Indigenous Motherhood Program



Indigenous families have been targeted by colonialism for far too long. From colonization, residential schools, the 60’s scoop, the child welfare system, and every other means of destroying healthy Indigenous families, it is time to focus on methods of healing from the grief and trauma of these processes.

“Go-to” survival mechanisms, unhealthy family dynamics, and toxic behaviours and beliefs are further impacting Indigenous family systems. It is these mechanisms, dynamics, behaviours, and beliefs that are continuing the process of colonization within Indigenous families.

It is imperative that Indigenous families learn, and practice, tools and models that will prepare them for healthy outcomes in high-stress situations and circumstances of potential trauma. In order to break these cycles, families, communities, and nations, have the opportunity to commit to healing themselves from the inside out.

This program is designed to support, encourage, and provide tools for Indigenous mothers to commit to undoing toxic cycles within families and to uncover their true potential as Indigenous mothers.

Benefits to Participants: 

  • Participants will gain a wide variety of tools and models which will aid in a vast amount of life’s difficult and challenging situations from personal relationships, grief and loss, trauma, crisis, family break-down, learning to forgive, and more.

  • Participants will learn healthy boundaries, healthy communication, healthy relationships, healthy confrontation, and healthy kinship practices. They will also learn how to fully implement these practices in their daily lives.

  • Participants will have the ability to put to practice all that they learn in the program due to easy to understand, and easy to teach, models, tools, and concepts.